oil refinery

How the World is Slowly Bidding Goodbye to Fossil Fuel Vehicles

The popularity of electric vehicles is all the rage as they come packed with high-tech features. From auto driving to fast acceleration, they’ve got it all. Top brands in the Automotive sector have upgraded to electric vehicles as they’re the most in-demand. It’s not just cars, even pickup trucks are upgraded to more durable and powerful electronic models.

Rivian R1T is an electronic pickup truck. This is a luxurious utility vehicle that is designed for a very specific target audience. It promises 300 miles of range for a large battery pack and 400 miles on the max battery pack. There are also other models such as Tesla, BYD, and Chanje that are set to improvise delivery or moving services to provide a better experience to their clients.

The Contribution of the U.S. government in the manufacturing of electric cars

99% of the car and truck manufacturers in the U.S. are part of the Alliance for Automotive Invention. This group is working to attract government support for electric vehicles. They’ve been successful till now as President Biden has clearly shown his support to the cause. He’s willing to invest $400 billion in clean energy which includes electric vehicles.

The federal government has allowed tax leniency of $7000 to the consumers who buy electric plug-in vehicles. The government extends its support to the research and manufacturing of such vehicles. The Alliance wants the government to increase the support as the U.S. has only 29,000 EV chargers across the country.

Will electric cars take over the future of automobiles?

1.2 billion vehicles run on roads all over the world. Almost 99.8% of all these vehicles need oil or gas to work. These fuel-driven cars have been a part of human lives for decades. The ride in them was memorable and fun. But, the era of such vehicles is coming to an end. It’s ending sooner than many of us would like to happen.

As much as people love the big tank roaring cars, it’s obvious that they’re contributing greatly to global warming. Manufacturers have been ignoring this for decades and this has led us to the edge of climate change. It’s high time to change this. The world and governments have realized this and thus, begins the era of electric vehicles.

The transportation sector, especially cars, contributes 47% to carbon emissions. That’s a lot. This doesn’t align with climate agreements that are signed in Paris Climate Accord. The agreement sets the goal of preventing the heating of the earth beyond 1.5 degrees Celsius. To achieve this goal, all countries in the world have to make substantial cuts in their emissions. An obvious way to do that is to cut emissions from the transportation sector.

electric car charger

There’s more carbon emission while manufacturing an EV, still, they’re better. Why? 

It is true that an electric vehicle produces more carbon footprint during manufacture. Let’s compare two cars, electric and fuel-driven, made by the same brand to find out the truth. On one side, there’s EV Polestar 2 and on the other side, there’s Volvo XC40. You might think that EV Polestar will create no pollution, but that’s not the case.

While manufacturing, EV Polestar emits, 26000 kg of carbon while Volvo XC40 produces 14000 kg of carbon. But, the whole point of promoting electric vehicles is that they emit significantly less carbon in the long run. As you keep driving a car for a longer time, they keep on emitting carbon. This phenomenon is consistent with all-electric vehicles across the world.

Due to this, they are more environmentally friendly and reduce the carbon footprint over time.

How are electric cars being promoted around the world?

Governments all around the world are planning to abandon fossil fuel cars. They’re implementing ways in which the public can soon shift to electric vehicles. If you look at some cities in the European Union, you’ll see that some restrictions are already in place.  In Norway, the government is planning to ban the sale of all diesel and petrol vehicles by 2025.

This means that 40 years now, fossil fuel vehicles will still be on the streets but you’ll not be able to buy a new one. This new law is already showing its impact as 60% of cars bought in Norway are electric. Australia is planning to shift the registration of taxis to electric only.

By 2030, Denmark, Sweden, Island, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, and India will also join Norway in limiting the sales of fossil fuel cars.

These electric vehicles amplify your driving experience. Futuristic models with features like auto driving are becoming common among consumers. This is just the beginning. The revolution leads up by Tesla has inspired all brands to create electric vehicles now. Governments all around the world are promoting such innovations as they are environmentally friendly. It’s not long before cars with petrol as fuel will become a second choice.


Jimmy Carson

Jimmy is a lifelong car and motorcycle enthusiast with a deep passion for the world of automobiles. As a seasoned rider and automotive expert, Jimmy has spent years exploring the open roads, testing vehicles, and sharing his knowledge with fellow enthusiasts. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, Jimmy's articles are informative, engaging, and insightful. Whether he's reviewing the latest models, sharing tips for maintenance and customization, or recounting his exhilarating travel adventures, Jimmy's writing captures the essence of the automotive world and inspires readers to embark on their own unforgettable journeys.

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