pulled over with expired license

What to Do When Your License is Suspended

  • Accept responsibility for a license suspension and seek ways to reinstate it.
  • Refresh your driving knowledge and take a practice test before getting your license back. 
  • Explore alternative transportation options like public transit, bike-sharing programs, and ridesharing services.
  • Take time for self-reflection to identify weaknesses and develop strategies for avoiding a similar situation in the future. 
  • Remain positive and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

From 2019 to 2020, there was a 4.7 percent reduction in the number of young drivers who held licenses. Despite this decrease, an estimated 189,950 youths were still injured in traffic crashes, representing a 7 percent drop from 204,862 reported incidents the previous year. However, they only accounted for 5.1 percent overall when it came to licensed individuals on the roadways. These mishaps can cause these young drivers to have their licenses suspended.

For young drivers, a suspended license can be a major setback. Whether it’s the result of an accident or some other reason, getting your license suspended can mean having to adjust to life without a car for a while. But don’t worry—it’s not all doom and gloom. There are plenty of ways to make this situation work in your favor and come out on the other side with more skills and knowledge than before. Read on to find out what to do when your license is suspended.

Accept Responsibility and Move On

The first thing you need to do when your license is suspended is acknowledged that it happened and accept responsibility for it. Trying to point fingers or blame someone else might be tempting, but that won’t change the fact that your license is suspended. So take time to reflect on why it happened, learn from your mistakes, and move forward positively.

Young adult man showing his license after getting it reinstated.

Getting Reinstated

Once you’ve accepted responsibility, the next step is reinstating your license. Depending on the type of suspension, this can involve a fee, driver safety classes, or both. After paying any applicable fees and attending required classes, contact the DMV to find out what else needs to be done to have your license reinstated. Getting this taken care of as quickly as possible is essential to get back on the road with a valid license.

Driving School

If necessary, you should go back to driving school and take a refresher course. This is especially important if you’ve had any major driving infractions that resulted in your license being suspended. A professional driving instructor can help you brush up on the basics and give you some tips for becoming a safer driver on the road. After taking the remedial course, you should take a driving test practice course before going to the DMV and having your license reinstated.

Find Alternatives to Driving

Once you’ve accepted responsibility for your situation, the next step is figuring out how you’ll get around without a car. Start by exploring alternative transportation options like public transit, bike-sharing programs, carpooling, ridesharing services like Uber or Lyft, or even walking if possible.

People waiting in line at a bus stop.


This may require some adjustments in terms of timing and budgeting. But several viable alternatives are usually available—you just have to figure out which one works best for you. Many cities also have transportation initiatives that offer discounted rides or free access to certain services. These discounted or free rides can make finding an alternative solution much more manageable. Make sure you explore all your options before committing to a particular mode of transportation.

Reflect on Your Experience

Finally, take some time to reflect on this experience as a whole so that you can learn from it going forward. Ask yourself questions like: Did I make any mistakes that contributed to my license being suspended? How could I have avoided this situation? What did I learn about myself during this process? Taking the time to self-reflect will help ensure that this doesn’t happen again in the future.

Avoid Mistakes

Self-reflection also allows you to avoid the mistakes that you made that resulted in your license getting suspended. It can help you identify your weaknesses and strengths and any areas of improvement. By taking the time to reflect, you can better understand yourself and ensure that this doesn’t happen again.

Having your driver’s license suspended can be tough, especially if you’re a young adult who relies heavily on your car for getting around. But remember–it’s not all doom and gloom! There are plenty of ways to make this situation work in your favor and come out on the other side with more skills and knowledge than before. You must stay positive and explore alternatives like public transit or ridesharing services. You can also take time for self-reflection to avoid repeating the same mistake in the future! With these tips in mind, dealing with a suspended license doesn’t have to be so scary!


Jimmy Carson

Jimmy is a lifelong car and motorcycle enthusiast with a deep passion for the world of automobiles. As a seasoned rider and automotive expert, Jimmy has spent years exploring the open roads, testing vehicles, and sharing his knowledge with fellow enthusiasts. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, Jimmy's articles are informative, engaging, and insightful. Whether he's reviewing the latest models, sharing tips for maintenance and customization, or recounting his exhilarating travel adventures, Jimmy's writing captures the essence of the automotive world and inspires readers to embark on their own unforgettable journeys.

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